Learn how to protect your retirement from losses, lock in your gains and have an income stream that no matter what happens to the economy, your income will always be there.

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Understanding Living Trusts
How you can avoid court interference at death and incapacity, keep control and enjoy peace of mind.
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Retirement Plan Comparison
If you currently save for retirement in a tax deferred account like a 401k, 403b, 457, Tradition IRA, and would like to see for yourself if you can take out net spendable income from a Retirement Insurance Contract . . . then watch this video to see how you can quickly and easily run the numbers side by side.
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Don't Go Broke in a Nursing Home!
Choosing the right pre-planning strategy for your own long-term care needs is essential as our population ages. "Don’t Go Broke in a Nursing Home” is full of financial strategies that you could use to protect your assets and the quality of care you receive. In addition, you will discover little known tax incentives* to help pay for long-term care expenses.
Knowing how to care for yourself, your aging parent, or other loved ones effectively can help save you time, energy, and money. Discover techniques/options that make caregiving easier, including how to choose the right home care providers and long-term care facilities for your needs. In this book, "Don't Go Broke in a Nursing Home" you will discover financial strategies and government benefits available that may help you pay for long-term care expenses. If your loved one is a veteran, they may be entitled to additional pension benefits, Aid and Attendance Benefits, to help offset costs for long-term health care.
Knowing how to care for yourself, your aging parent, or other loved ones effectively can help save you time, energy, and money. Discover techniques/options that make caregiving easier, including how to choose the right home care providers and long-term care facilities for your needs. In this book, "Don't Go Broke in a Nursing Home" you will discover financial strategies and government benefits available that may help you pay for long-term care expenses. If your loved one is a veteran, they may be entitled to additional pension benefits, Aid and Attendance Benefits, to help offset costs for long-term health care.
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