Video Library
Click on the video thumbnails below for informational content to aid
you in making decisions about insurance and retirement planning:
Estate Tax Insurance Trust

If you have or will have an estate tax liability . . . watch this short video to learn how you avoid IRS seizure and liquidation of your assets, while paying the minimum estate tax with a tax free discounted settlement.
Estate Life Insurance

There are 6 Ways to Create Tax Free Bequests in Your Estate Plan . . . watch this short video to which ones are best for your family.
Estate Taxation

Will your family owe the IRS taxes on your estate when you pass? If you are not sure, watch this short video to learn how the IRS can sieze your entire estate and liquidate your assets to pay off your tax bill.
Final Expense

If you want to save money while providing your family with the funds to pay for your own funeral expenses, watch this short video to learn how you can guarantee that your family will have tax free cash to pay your Final Expenses at a 40% to 60% discount.
Joint Life Second Death

If you are married, and 1) you want to equalize your children's inheritance; or 2) create tax free retirement income for as long as you both live; or 3) want to pay off your estate taxes without liquidating your assets . . . watch this short video to learn how two people (usually a married couple) can qualify for life insurance at pennies on the dollar.
LTC Life

If you want to be prepared for the possibility that in your later years you might need home nursing care or assistance with daily living activities due to physical or cognitive impairment, watch this short video to learn how you can double or triple your current financial reserves - tax free.
South Park - And it's gone
A clip from the South Park episode Margaritaville; season 13 episode 3.

Watch a short video to learn how this easy-to-use software can help calculate your risk tolerance, develop a comprehensive portfolio plan, and empower you to become a fearless investor.
Retirement Plan Comparison

If you currently save for retirement in a tax deferred account like a 401k, 403b, IRA or SEP, and would like to see for yourself if you can take out more net spendable income from a Retirement Insurance Contract . . . then watch this video to see how you can quickly and easily run the numbers side by side.
Living Trust

Even if we have a will at the time of our passing, all of your assets and liabilities will need to be settled in probate court before they can be distributed to your family. Watch this short video to learn how your estate can easily avoid the delay and cost of probate for your family.
Living Benefits

Did you know that you can now access up to $250,000 of your life insurance coverage tax free - without dying? Watch this short video to learn how life insurance companies now allow you to take a portion of your death benefit if you experience a critical illness like cancer, heart attack, or stroke.
Indexed Annuity

If you are saving money for retirement and you are at all concerned about the safety of your money, watch this video to learn how you can be guaranteed to save, grow, and protect your money against investment losses, economic downturns, and excessive management fees.
Tax Free Retirement Income Plan

If you want tax free income at retirement without the risk of losing any of your money in the stock market, watch this short video to learn how sections 101 and 7702 of the tax code enable you to save, grow, and protect your money for a tax free retirement.
Income Annuity

If you are retired or approaching retirement, and you want a guaranteed monthly income you can never outlive, watch this video to learn how you can convert any amount of retirement savings into a guaranteed pay check for the rest of your life.
Social Security

If you are beginning to prepare for retirement, and want to be sure that you get the most out of your Social Security benefits, watch this video to learn what your options are, as well as when and how to begin taking income for maximum benefit.
Annuity Types

If you are saving and investing money for retirement, and you are at all concerned with market risk and the safety of your money, watch this short video to learn about and understand the retirement contracts that guarantee lifetime income without investment risk.
Long-Term Care

If you are concerned about the possibility of needing home nursing or assisted living care at sometime in the future, and having enough money to pay for it - watch this video to learn how you can protect your retirement income and be sure that you don't run out of money or become a burden on your children.
Safe Money Contracts

If you want to be prepared for the possibility that in your later years you might need home nursing care or assistance with daily living activities due to physical or cognitive impairment, watch this short video to learn how you can double or triple your current financial reserves - tax free.
Roth Conversions

If you are currently saving money for retirement in any tax deferred account like an IRA, 401k or 403b, and you'd like a way to convert tax deferred into tax exempt, watch this short video on a retirement savings account with tax exempt growth and tax exempt income.
The Legal Reserve System
This video explains why insurance companies are a good bet when it comes to your hard earned dollars. You can be rest assured that the strength of the insurance company can cover all the liabilities better than a bank can. Watch this video to find out why banks are not as Safe as a Legal Reserve Insurance Company.
Long-Term Care

Watch this video if you would like to learn how to use an existing annuity to pay for long-term care.
Long-Term Care

Watch this video to learn about riders on term life policies that allow you to accelerate your death benefit to pay for long-term care.
Long-Term Care

Watch this video if you have existing assets you would like to reposition to pay for Long Term Care expenses and receive a benefit if you never need care.
Long-Term Care

Watch this video if you do not wish to purchase life insurance or have difficulty qualifying for life insurance based plans.
Long-Term Care

Watch this video if you would like to learn how to use an IRA to pay for Long Term Care for you and your spouse in the most tax efficient cost effective way.
The Wait
A True Look of an Impact of an LTC Event.